October 9, 2007


Christopher was being really cute this morning. So cute that I had to pull out the camera. As you can see he was in a tongue mood. I believe he made this face after trying to eat my foot (yes it was clean,) can't quite remember however. From the looks of it he won't be trying it again anytime soon.

Adam is travelling again. Last week was his first back on the road. I had become used to him being here again unfortunately as he was home for a month (I think) and now am having to become used to him being gone again. I know the 36 hours I'll have him home for every weekend over the next few weeks will feel "normal" in no time, which is sad. It'll be nice when he doesn't have to travel for work anymore, but for now it's a necessary evil.

Halloween is on it's way. We've started decorating the house and hope that our party is a success. We'll probably do one every year since it's my favorite holiday. I've got some pretty neat decorations and every year they'll just get better, if you happen to drive (especially at night) by you should look at the second story window. It's cool.
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Unknown said...

I don't drive by your house anymore cause it's too scary.

Athena said...

heehee. Christopher looks like you in that pic. I don't know how you manage with Adam gone so much. I would go nuts. I don't know how army/service wives do it.