December 29, 2008

Save a rocky marriage and the planet all in one flush!!!

You have to see it to believe it!

December 21, 2008

Meet Dart!!

We would like you to meet Dart. Our new German Shepherd puppy who came home yesterday afternoon. He'll be 8 weeks old on Wednesday the 24th. We had a beautiful litter of puppies to choose from but Dart here walked right up to Christopher and calmly licked his little hands and
hung out with him for the duration of the visit. Most of the other puppies were jumping on him or nipping him. Dart wasn't shy by any means, just very gentle with our very special little man. We knew he was the one.

So far he's been great and we only expect more of the same to come. He sleeps at our feet, slept most of the night, and hasn't had any accidents in the house yet (which would be hard anyway as I'm taking him out almost every hour!!) Adam and I plan on taking training classes with him and I would love to do agility with him, we'll see how it works out.

For now enjoy these pictures of our fabulous new addition.

Go potty, what?

It's play time!!!

Full attention on mommy.

Dart and Christopher adoring each other.

December 16, 2008

Keeping busy.

I've been keeping pretty busy the last couple of weeks. Making gifts, sending cards, getting ready for our puppy (who comes home this Saturday!) formulating a business venture and many many other things. It seems that there is a never ending avalanche of responsibilities rolling over me and this time of year it's at its worst. I'm tired, I could sleep for days I'm sure... ok, probably not but I feel like it so I'll push through, handle the S.A.D. and enjoy the season and my awesome family.

Maddie (our golden) got a great Christmas present this year. It's very cold outside, and she's very old so she's been staying in the house... well, she's stinky and I was tired of smelling her. We took her to the groomer yesterday and she got a full makeover. Clippity Dippity Cuts did a fantastic job and I'll be taking her back again. No more stinky dog in the house!!!!!

We've taken quite a few pictures the last couple of weeks so I'd thought I would share some of them.

Trying to get a few shots of Christopher for our Christmas cards. He wasn't cooperating but ended up looking very cute and adventurous.

We took Christopher out in the snow. He was not happy and started crying, it was probably just too cold. When we got him inside he was very upset at us and wanted to go outside again. He just couldn't make up his mind.

He made a snow angel... or we made him make one.

December 9, 2008

Getting closer.

That's right. We're getting very close to the 20th. The day we get to go and pick up our puppy. I'm very excited and just trying to get everything together so that when the little guy gets here he'll have all his needs taken care of. It'll be fun taking him on all our Christmas stops, as I can't see leaving a puppy we've had for just a few days home alone. Here are the pictures of the litter. We'll be getting one of the boys! Less than two weeks, I can't believe it.

I've started working on Christmas cards today, and wrapping some gifts. I only have two that require any shipping which makes it easy on me. Most friends and family will be getting tasty treats made by me, saving me precious money and making the gift that much more special. I hope you are all well out there in the world and enjoying the season!