June 9, 2008


So last Wednesday I went to the allergist, I was all ready for a 3 hour appointment which would involve poking and prodding and getting to the bottom of what was causing my hives. It was not to be, while the Dr. would love to do the testing, she can't. Why you ask?!?! I have hive flare ups whenever you pretty much touch/prick/scratch my skin even slightly. This would cause any testing to show a false positive as every time they poked me that spot/area would flare up. Sooooo, we have to get the flare ups under control before we test.

I'm taking a histamine blocker 4 times a day as well as Zantac twice a day (they use it to treat hives as well as heartburn..... who knew.) I go back in on the 18th. Since I started the meds I haven't had any flare ups, it's so nice not to itch non-stop and look like I have some weird disease all over my skin, it's a short lived experience however as it's not a permanent solution. I'll have to be off the meds for 7 days before she can do the allergy testing. I'm just hoping that we can solve this mystery as I'm completely miserable.


Athena said...

Yay! I'm glad you can at least feel better for a while. I sure hope you can get it all figured out. Good luck. Ohh... and have you tried switching your laundry detergent/drier sheets? I guess it won't matter while you're on the meds. :/

Babyfro said...

I've been using some variety of free and clear laundry detergent and dryer sheets since just before Christopher was born. The Dr. said that's what she would have recommended if I wasn't already doing it. So I don't know... if anybody has any other ideas I'm open to suggestions.

flarin_erin said...

I'd recommend not just free and clear but chemical free too. Opt for stuff found in the organic department. It's amazing the crap the put in cleaners. Plant based cleaners would probably be the next step.

flarin_erin said...

that and you only need a fraction of the "recommended" amount.