November 16, 2008

Chugging along.

Adam is home after a long week of being gone. He went to Minnesota to visit family and get a little business in. His first day out hunting he downed his deer, a nice young (not to young,) buck that will be tasty to eat. I'm glad to have the extra meat in the freezer as it means less money out of my pocket. So, all in all he had a good time and is happy to be home.

I had an uneventful week. Went shopping with my mom for Christmas gifts, took a Quickbooks class... cooked, cleaned a little. Christopher got to play with Katie and spend some quality time with the grandparents. (He also got to play with Beckett and Grason today, so he had a busy week.)

I've started a gluten free blog. Living Without Wheat. It's not much and I probably won't post more than once a week but I thought it was important that I share what I know about eating gluten free, and that it might be fun to have a food blog. I'm open to recipe suggestions so send them my way if you have any.


Kathleen said...

Glad you got to spend time with my boys, they are getting so big, aren't they? I haven't been home in months, can't wait to see you and everyone else in January.
P.S. Grason doesn't have a "y" in his name. No biggie, just thought I would point it out! LYLAS!!

Babyfro said...

Sorry, I know so many little guys and gals that I can't keep them straight anymore. Especially with all the special spellings these days.