October 19, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch.

It's fall, I love this time of year. Yesterday was special, we took Christopher to the pumpkin patch at the Pasco Country Mercantile. They had a haystack maze for the little ones, a haystack mountain, bounce house, animals, wagon rides, pumpkin patch and more. Christopher is a little to young to appreciate all this of course so the outing was more for Adam and I to enjoy watching him discover and be fascinated by the wonderful world around him. He loved the animals and kept going back to the barn and he also enjoyed wiping the dirt off the pumpkins, I think it felt "cool" or something. We ran into a couple of people there and had a good chat as well as enjoyed some of the samples the mercantile had to offer. We came home with 5 pumpkins of various sizes, some apples and cider. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!


Athena said...

Cute. :) We had a blast out there last year. Haven't made it yet this year. You must've made multiple trips out to the patch for 5 pumpkins, huh?

Babyfro said...

Nope, we had a wagon. They have many available at the entrance. Just one trip thank goodness!

Brooke said...

It looks like you guys had a ton of fun! That pumpkin patch actually looks like more fun than the one we went too... our kids would have LOVED a mini-haystack maze! I also miss living in the Tri-Cities and going to pumpkin patches that have yummy apples and cider... none of that here- just kettle corn!

Our kids are camera happy, but we have a hard time getting them to just smile and NOT say "CHEESE!" in every single picture! :) Christopher is such a cutie!

Laura said...

How cute - looks like you all had lots of fun. Hope all is well and talk to you later, Laura

Kathleen said...

Love the new look on the blog!! I am glad Christopher had some fun, exploring is the best. WE want to go to a maze, but we have to find a good one. Of course we don't have kids either, so we can find any one to go to!
Sounds like you are doing great. I miss everyone so much, it is so hard to be away from all my friends and family.