October 22, 2008

Good times...

Today was a great day for Christopher. His friend Katie came over and played for a while. They ran around and giggled their little heads off. I told Katie to tell me when she was ready to go home, she never did. Her mom ended up coming back over to get her. Guess she was having a good time.

Adam has started doing a lot of business and so has been using a lot of minutes on our cell phone plan, so we went to the AT&T store today to change our plan to fit our new needs. While Adam talked shop with a salesperson I ran around the store after Christopher. He ended up running into a display... was to busy looking the other way while he was walking and now he has a nice little scratch to show for it. The highlight of the cell phone outing however was the discovery of a little girl in the store... she was 13, maybe 14 months old. This little girl wanted to say hello to Christopher so she slowly tottered over to him, he of course just stood there with his usual look of discernment. When she was maybe a half a foot away from him she started to lean in, she was trying not to touch him.... it was clear she was hesitating just a tad, but she took another step, grabbed his shoulder and planted one on him. That's right, Christopher got his first kiss today at the AT&T store, and it was from a younger woman! He didn't even have to do anything, his charm is that powerful. She then proceeded to pine after him and chase him around the store. Christopher being the big softy that he is was unsure how to handle such brazen advances and wanted his mommy.

I'm sure you've all experienced it, the wondrous feeling of a new piece of equipment... the kind with the plastic over the delicate parts to keep it from scratching... Oh the joy there is to be felt when you first peel the plastic off. Ok, so Adam and I really enjoy new stuff where we get to do that. Well, Christopher pulled his first piece of protective plastic today, from Adam's new phone. He had a big grin on his face so he thought it was fun too. Christopher had a great day!


Athena said...

LOL Adorable! :) Did he get her phone number? I smell a play date! ;)

Brooke said...

So cute! I love watching little ones interact and hug and kiss...

And thank you so much for the sweet comment- pregnant women need all the confidence boosting compliments they can get, right? :) It's sometimes tough to feel like you look OK when you feel so uncomfortable! So, thanks again! :)