August 27, 2008

Don't pass this resource up.

As an expecting parent many of my friends told me about Ready for Kindergarten. I didn't think much on it or even look into it until Christopher was about 3 months old. I've been involved ever since. Ready for Kindergarten is a free (to Kennewick School District residents, $40 to those outside of the district) program for parents with children between the ages of birth to 5. The parents go to an hour and a half long "class" 3 times during the school year, Fall, Winter and Spring. In these classes you learn methods to teach your child skills they should be learning at their age, you get toys/books for your child to utilize in learning these skills and you get to be a part of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library getting a new age appropriate book for your child in the mail every month you are in the Ready! program (free!) I suppose what I'm saying is if you have a child in that age range and would love a free tool to help you educate your child and get them ready for schooling this has been great. Christopher loves going to the mailbox to check for his new book, we come right in and read it everytime it shows up. He also loves the toys he gets from the classes, a couple of them are his favorites. I know its helped give me direction as far as what he should be learning. The classes for this year start in October so take a look and give it a try.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

What a cool program... I'm going to have to let my sister know about it! I wish they had something similar around here. You're a great parent to be so on top of Christopher's education already. I can't wait to be able to send Riley to preschool next year!