June 24, 2008

Thought I would share.

Just something I feel strongly about and thought I would share with everybody. You'll probably only care if you have children still in carseats or plan to have children.

June 17, 2008

Smoothies and a shrimp!

I got a blender for my birthday. A nice Oster blender. It has On, Pulse, and off. It's the best. All metal parts and no frilly extra's. Kicks an ice cubes butt it does. I've had fruit smoothies for breakfast the last couple of mornings and they are really tasty!!! I can't believe I've never owned a blender before. Thanks honey.

I suppose you are wondering about the shrimp.... well that would be the little mister. He had his 15 month well check yesterday. Nothing much new to report, he's healthy like always and doing great. He has 3 teeth now and is spurting out new words all the time. He's also signing much more clearly which is so nice. I tell you what, it's way better than hearing him whine for what he wants, instead he just quietly signs it.

His new stats are and hence the shrimp part:
Height: 29" (up from 28.6" at 12 months.) This puts him in the 2.97th percentile
Weight: 20 lbs 8 oz (up from 20 lbs 1 oz at 12 months.) This puts him in the 3.7th percentile

June 12, 2008

Had a great day.

Yesterday was my birthday. It was probably one of the better birthdays I've ever had, I truly enjoyed the whole day.

It started off first thing in the morning with my dad bringing me a Dutch Bros coffee. That in itself might have made for a perfect day. Then my sister came to visit, bringing me a gluten free brownie mix and a movie I've been wanting for a while Howl's Moving Castle. Before she made her exit my friend Suzy came over and brought me bath stuff!! We talked for a while and I thoroughly enjoyed her company. I don't see her as often as I would like and it made the day that much better. The neighbor and her daughter came over and brought me chocolate and a card knowing I couldn't eat anything with wheat and hoping chocolate was safe, they left a little dissapointed that Christopher was taking a nap as they love to see him whenever they can!!

For dinner I BBQ'd and my parents came over. We had steaks, asparagus and potatoes, all done on the grill. It was pretty darn tasty. We watched a movie on the big screen and had a cocktail (my dad and I did anyway.) I'd been wanting to try Baileys new caramel flavor, it was yummy. Christopher behaved beautifully all day and went to bed after dinner with no fuss. All in all it was a really good birthday. Had Adam been home it would have been just that much better.

June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Rachel!

Everyone call and wish Rachel a happy birthday today!

June 9, 2008


So last Wednesday I went to the allergist, I was all ready for a 3 hour appointment which would involve poking and prodding and getting to the bottom of what was causing my hives. It was not to be, while the Dr. would love to do the testing, she can't. Why you ask?!?! I have hive flare ups whenever you pretty much touch/prick/scratch my skin even slightly. This would cause any testing to show a false positive as every time they poked me that spot/area would flare up. Sooooo, we have to get the flare ups under control before we test.

I'm taking a histamine blocker 4 times a day as well as Zantac twice a day (they use it to treat hives as well as heartburn..... who knew.) I go back in on the 18th. Since I started the meds I haven't had any flare ups, it's so nice not to itch non-stop and look like I have some weird disease all over my skin, it's a short lived experience however as it's not a permanent solution. I'll have to be off the meds for 7 days before she can do the allergy testing. I'm just hoping that we can solve this mystery as I'm completely miserable.