I got a blender for my birthday. A nice Oster blender. It has On, Pulse, and off. It's the best. All metal parts and no frilly extra's. Kicks an ice cubes butt it does. I've had fruit smoothies for breakfast the last couple of mornings and they are really tasty!!! I can't believe I've never owned a blender before. Thanks honey.
I suppose you are wondering about the shrimp.... well that would be the little mister. He had his 15 month well check yesterday. Nothing much new to report, he's healthy like always and doing great. He has 3 teeth now and is spurting out new words all the time. He's also signing much more clearly which is so nice. I tell you what, it's way better than hearing him whine for what he wants, instead he just quietly signs it.
His new stats are and hence the shrimp part:
Height: 29" (up from 28.6" at 12 months.) This puts him in the 2.97th percentile
Weight: 20 lbs 8 oz (up from 20 lbs 1 oz at 12 months.) This puts him in the 3.7th percentile