March 20, 2008

Little bits of wisdom from Christopher!

1. Being naked makes everything better.

2. Yogurt trumps banana.

3. Stairs = The best toy ever!

4. The cat has a tail so you can eat it.

5. It WILL fit through the cat door.

March 18, 2008

Eat Cake.

Christopher, as cute as he is can sure get himself into some mischief. All I have to say is you better keep the bathroom door closed.

His first birthday party was great. All the immediate family came (aside from Theresa and crew, who were there in spirit.) Fritzy and Athena came with Sam and Eileen (who is just the tiniest, most adorable little baby.) Christopher was rather sleepy for the most part, that is until the food came out and he woke right up. I made him his very own mini cake which he summarily smeared all over his face.

Christopher also had his 12 month well check this last Monday. No shots this time as he had a cold but in two weeks he'll get those darn vaccines.

At his well check we got his currents stats too!!
Height: 28.5" up from 26.5" at his 9 month well check which puts him in the 9th percentile He was 26" at his 6 month well check, 24.8" at his 4 month well check and 23.3" at his 2 month.

Weight: 18lbs down from 18.15lbs at his 9 month putting him in the 1st percentile. He was 17lbs 6oz at his 6 month, 15lbs 6oz at his 4 month well check and 11lbs 1oz at his 2 month.

March 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Buddy!!!

Christopher is the big 1 today. It's so hard to believe that a year has gone by. To think at this time last year we were in the hospital waiting for the little Mr. to work his way into the world, and now he's not only here he's walking (a little,) talking (a little,) and making a big impact on everyone on everyone he meets. We like to think so anyway. It's been such a great year and he's been a great little baby. Sleeping through the night, in his crib, hitting his milestones and being the best thing since sliced cheese.

So to celebrate we're having a BBQ and ice cream cake. In a Winnie the Pooh theme. I'll post pictures after the party. So wish him a Happy Birthday and know he'll be enjoying his special day!

Here's a link to some of the pictures we've taken over the year.
Christopher Michael

March 4, 2008

Pretty Uneventful

Not much has happened in the last week. Adam is still working in Vegas, although this week he took a nasty bug with him. I feel bad that he has to travel sick. Traveling is bad enough when you feel good, let alone when you're running a fever.

I spent the day with my mom, and spent $$. Those two things always go hand in hand. Diapers and wipes, those break the bank every time. I also bought some day lilies which I'm excited to get into the ground. I love spring, or the prospect of it, the thought is almost enough to motivate me to do something productive... almost.

Christopher is only taking a couple of steps here and there. Not really trying very hard to become a walking pro yet. He still has just the one tooth. He'll be 1 on the 12th. I can't believe he's already a year old. It went so fast. It's amazing how one tiny little person has changed our lives so completely (in a good way.) I can't wait to see what's coming in the years to come.