February 16, 2008

It's a good day!

So my vacuum blew up a couple of weeks ago, and with a baby in the house that's not a good thing. I had been vacuuming at least every other day if not daily as every little thing goes in his mouth. You can imagine the amount of chasing him down to pull one thing or another he'd stuck in there over the last few days I was doing... lots! So, this morning the doorbell rings, it was my "free" Dyson. Adam, the lovely man that he is, used his Marriott points to get me the DC14 Telescope Reach.
Vacuuming with this is like spreading butter on toast, not cold butter, very smooth and creamy butter, and it's quiet. I'm in love and very excited if you couldn't tell.


Athena said...

Cool. Everyone raves about their Dysons. I might have to get one when ours goes kaput. With the price-tag tho, I sure hope it isn't soon!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a nice, unexpected gift!!!! Good Job Adam!!


Brooke said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Dyson! Congratulations on being a proud owner of one too! Christopher is growing up so quickly! What a cutie!
