September 17, 2007

6 Months!!

Christopher was 6 months on the 12th. I waited to do his update post until he had his well check today. He's been great, sitting up like a champ, cooing and babbling up a storm (especially at 6 am over the monitor,) he even started eating rice cereal on Saturday. His grabby little hands can pretty much get anything within a two foot radius and we've learned to clear the area before setting him down anywhere. He also enjoys being outside and watching Maddie run around the yard, and watching Kiro inside (Kiro has lost a few tufts of fur to the little mister already.) Everyday he changes just a little bit, but he's always cute and always cuddly. He's even starting to play shy for the girls. We're going to have our hands full, that's for sure.

At his well check we got his currents stats too!!
Height: 26", up from 24.8" at his 4 month well check and 23.3" at his 2 month. This puts him in the 30 percentile.
Weight: 17lbs 6oz, up from 15lbs 6oz at his 4 month well check and 11lbs 1oz at his 2 month. This puts him in the 46 percentile.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Oh, he is getting so big! I am so happy for you! He is just a cutie. Check out my blog cuz tag, you're it!