July 30, 2007

Art in the Park

This weekend was a whole lot of fun (especially since I didn't have to fly out on Sunday).

Saturday morning Rachel, Chris, Grandpa Turner and I went down to Howard Amon park in Richland for the art in the park sidewalk show. In the evening Sandrina babysat for us so that Rachel and I could go out to dinner with Rachel's parents to help me use up my "consumable " award from Symantec (had to be used for a dinner, movie, essentially anything I couldn't take home). We went to Cedars restaurant and then Rachel and I stopped for Dutch Bros coffee on the way home.

Sunday was spent running around doing errands and crawling around the ceiling measuring, drilling holes and making checklists for the parts I need to complete the home theater.

Today is expense report / mow the lawn day and then Tuesday is Viva Las Vegas for the annual BlackHat and Defcon security conferences. Rachel will be bored staying at home so call her / invite her to do stuffs.

July 16, 2007

4 Months Old!!

Today Christopher had his 4 month well check. The Dr. said he's doing great and is reaching all the developmental milestones he should be. He received a couple of vaccinations and since he was already grumpy before they were administered it just made him mad to be poked... mommy also left the pacifier in the car which, lesson learned, is a no no on shot day. Luckily Chris seemed to poop out a pacifier when I tried to put him in the carseat and it saved the day, keeping him quiet until we got to the car.

Christopher's new growth stats as of 7/16/07:
Height: 24.75 inches (39.84 percentile) Which is up from 23.25 inches at his two month.
Weight: 15.375 lbs (57.30 percentile) Which is up from 11.09 lbs at his two month.

July 14, 2007

We're home.

We made it back from MN Thursday around 4 p.m. As a family we're entirely too sick of the car. Especially little Christopher who is stuck in his car seat for the duration of all car travel. The wedding (Adam's sister Michelle) went well, the weather cooperated and nobody died of food poisoning which I think is always a good thing. All joking aside we wish Michelle and Brian congrats and many fine years together.

Adam got to go fishing while at the lake for a total of maybe 3 hours and managed to catch a couple of walleye. I'm sure if he'd had the chance he'd have been out there many many more. Unfortunately with all the wedding chaos and the weather being uncooperative it didn't allow for as much fishing with his dad as he would have liked.

On our way home we went to Yellowstone for a day. It was beautiful. Pictures cannot capture the majesty of many of the sites we saw. If we'd had more time we would have like to spend a couple more days exploring the park. Alas it'll have to wait for another day when hopefully Christopher is a little older and we can dedicate more time to it. We did take some pictures though so feel free to take a look at them.

July 1, 2007

Made it to ND

So we finally made it to ND. (of course this is where Gar thinks I'm from, but really we are headed to MN, silly Gar). We are stopped at a rest area just outside of Bismarck, ND as Chris decided it was time to eat lunch. We are on course to being in Fargo tonight and visit with some friends before heading on to Hallock, MN either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Rachel says "ND is boooooring. Too flat! Where are all the trees?"

Adam says "pass me another rockstar and keep that baby quiet!"

Still no pictures to share...