February 21, 2008

Away We Go!!!!

Christopher decided to brave the walking world last night. That's right, he took his first few steps. His legs were way to tired after that to attempt any more, although he sure tried. Here is a brief clip of his short adventure (redundant, I know.) Luckily he chose to take his first steps when daddy was home. That's one I'm sure he didn't want to miss. He has also managed to get his first tooth, just barely breaking the surface but definitely there. Christopher is just trying to accomplish as much as he can before his first birthday rolls around, and he's doing a great job of it.


Kathleen said...

That is so awesome. Thanks for sharing!! I can't believe he will one year old next month. Wow. He is getting so big. Oh, and the pic to the right for your blog...way cute!!
You two sure have the cutest little boy!

Anonymous said...

Yeah he did it!!!! Good job Chris!!!


Athena said...

Woohoo!!!!!! Go Christopher! :D
How great that Adam was home too.
Great fun! Thanks for sharing. heehee

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! Too cool.
Hope I get to see him on his birthday or something soon...
Talk to you later, Laura