September 20, 2007

No more SQUASH!!!

Christopher recently started eating solids... if you can call very runny rice cereal a solid. I thought I would try one of the more unappealing flavors first as we ventured a little further than rice, since his palate is fresh maybe he wouldn't mind eating squash since he didn't know any better. Well, I was wrong. I was given many wonderful faces as we tried to eat the squash, a lot of this tastes icky shivers and most of it getting spit out. In the end, after one of the last couple of bites I tried to give him he shot me the "NO MORE SQUASH," face that you're witnessing here. I couldn't pass up posting it.
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1 comment:

Athena said...

Hahaha! :) Sam had squash first too I think. He actually liked it, but it triggered his reflux, so he didn't get it anymore after like 3 times. Hopefully he doesn't still have a taste for it, 'cuz I know *I'm* never going to prepare any.... heh