November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

Halloween was super fun this year. We had our annual party on the 30th, with great friends and family in attendance. Very kid friendly this year! Ah, there were many little ones running around, all very cute in their costumes. Christopher was Superman (he kept yelling "Superfast, superpowers!!" Josh was a dragon, Sam was Batman, Eileen was an adorable kitten and Emily was a cat.

On the big day Christopher woke up and the first thing out of his mouth was "Trick or Treat!" loudly over the monitor... then, "MAMA, let me out!!" He was excited all day long because he knew we were going over to see his friends Beckett and Grason and trick or treat with them. His costume was that of a skeleton and he wanted to wear makeup so I tried... but little boys don't sit very still. We had a great night and lots of fun with the Mitchell's and Stanley's.

Here are a few pics of Christopher.

Checking out his makeup in the mirror. He kept going "rawr" and trying to be scary. It was cute.

Chris being "scary" for the camera.

Christopher's costume meets Adam's costume. He was a hillbilly skeleton. Chris loves wearing those dang teeth.