The holidays were very pleasant this year. Christmas was went well and we were able to spend time with the family. Christopher enjoyed himself, and although he didn't quite understand how to open his gifts he did love eating everybody's bows and paper. Here are some pictures of Christopher leaving cookies for Santa.

Reaching for cookies.

Checking out the cookie.

Eating the cookie.
We spent New Years with our friends Jennifer and Joel, and their two little ones. Christopher actually stayed up until past midnight and rang it in with us. His sleeping habits are another post altogether. It was nice and quiet and just a brief walk from the house
New in Christopher's world...
Christopher is currently trying to drive me crazy. It's amazing what he'll find on the floor and put in his mouth, it doesn't matter how small it is, he can see it and pick it up. I've been vacuuming and sweeping much more frequently (daily instead of my usual blue moon schedule,) and it still isn't enough.
Christopher has also learned how to climb the stairs and much to my chagrin is quite good at it. He's even almost figured out how turn around and slide on his butt to get down. However he'll also try to sit on the step, or should I say try to sit halfway on the step which leads to him rolling down. I've always been right there so he hasn't fallen yet but I do try to let him understand what his actions cause, safely.
Chris has no teeth yet. He's eating 5 meals a day, 3 of which are solids, mostly puree's but we've also been eating Kix and some diced fruits and veggies that have been cooked to smooshiness so he can gum them easily. He gave us a little scare with a chunk of pear the other day, actually choking, daddy saved him and he was ready for more. How quickly they move on at this age.
That's the update. See you soon, maybe not. Anyhow, hope the New Year is happy and good to you all.