Coffee and end tables (set) along with some other furniture items, kitchen appliances, bathroom sets, Coca Cola themed stuff, med dog igloo and large gates, baby items including a travel system, exersaucer, bouncer and more, we'll have some clothing and art along with other miscellaneous items. You'll want to come and see the selection for yourself.
Just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas. I hope the holiday finds you and yours happy and healthy! May all be well and enjoy our family Christmas picture and Christopher's Santa shot this year.
At the Toastmaster yearly Christmas Party. 2009
Christopher and Santa 2009 (Christopher walked right up to Santa and climbed in his lap. He was so excited to see him, big smile on his face the second he saw him. He asked Santa for a turtle in a box... we'll just have to see how that got interpreted.)
At the beginning of last month we went on a car trip... driving from our home to the mid-west to visit with family and friends. This gave Adam the opportunity to go deer hunting with his dad, for Chris to meet many relatives he hadn't yet and for us to spend many many hours in the car.
It was actually quite fun, we stayed in Bozeman MT where I ate some of the best gluten free meals I've had out in a long time. Montana Ale Works, thank you so much for being an awesome place stop at. Christopher was great in the car, but he always has been and even got to sit forward facing for the last leg of the trip, which in itself made for a great ride... watching him react to all he could see had us laughing for hours.
We had an early Thanksgiving with Adam's family which was a great time. Adam's family is HUGE so even though a very small number of them were there it was still more than my ENTIRE family when we gather. Pretty crazy.
Christopher loved being outside, there was no snow yet so even though it was cold he was able to enjoy the weather. Leaves were the activity of choice on a couple of days.
Here he is helping Grandma Lee rake.
and here he is helping to "unrake" the pile.
Adam went hunting a few of the days we were in Minnesota. He did manage to put some venison in the freezer for which I'm grateful. I even got to go out and sit in the stand one evening for a bit. Nothing like sitting in a tree stand with a bow, but sitting in a little house with a heater isn't a bad way to go.
Here is the landscape Adam had to deal with. There is a deer in this picture, can you spot it?
Adam even got put to work taking down the satellite!
We spent our quite time in the evening sitting in the living room gabbing and listening to crazy Baldwin tales. Christopher would sometimes even sit quietly although most of the time he was running around like crazy trying to burn off some of his ample two year old energy.
Grandma read Christopher his bedtime story while grandpa sleeps soundly close by.
Christopher shows off his running form. This was a nightly ritual!
All in all it was a great trip. Adam's parents will be coming through in the spring and we'll make sure we get out and about around town, try to wear out the child and maybe taste some wine should be fun!!
Halloween was super fun this year. We had our annual party on the 30th, with great friends and family in attendance. Very kid friendly this year! Ah, there were many little ones running around, all very cute in their costumes. Christopher was Superman (he kept yelling "Superfast, superpowers!!" Josh was a dragon, Sam was Batman, Eileen was an adorable kitten and Emily was a cat.
On the big day Christopher woke up and the first thing out of his mouth was "Trick or Treat!" loudly over the monitor... then, "MAMA, let me out!!" He was excited all day long because he knew we were going over to see his friends Beckett and Grason and trick or treat with them. His costume was that of a skeleton and he wanted to wear makeup so I tried... but little boys don't sit very still. We had a great night and lots of fun with the Mitchell's and Stanley's.
Here are a few pics of Christopher.
Checking out his makeup in the mirror. He kept going "rawr" and trying to be scary. It was cute.
Chris being "scary" for the camera.
Christopher's costume meets Adam's costume. He was a hillbilly skeleton. Chris loves wearing those dang teeth.
We've been busy here, running a business, being run by a 2 year old (yes the fun has begun) getting the homestead winter ready and tying up some loose ends. We can't wait for Halloween! Christopher has been practicing saying "Trick or Treat" and is excited to go out with his buddies Beckett and Grason to grab some candy.
We had another fun day at the pumpkin patch this year... and what a difference a year makes. Christopher was much more able to enjoy what the Pasco Country Mercantile at 2 and 1/2 than he was last year; hay maze, corn maze, tractor ride, pumpkin picking, bounce house, hay towers (these were fun) and petting zoo.
We ran around, tasted many yummy goods, bought some cider and fudge, Christopher fell into a couple of rotten pumpkins... stinky, very stinky, hah. Here are some pictures of the fun. Hope you all are enjoying fall as much as we are.
Climbing the tower of hay, as unaided as possible.
Sitting with daddy in the barn.
Super fun tractor ride!! Don't you wish you were there.
Christopher is finally getting better after having a very serious fever for five days and a cold/cough and runny nose for many more days than that. I relented and took him to the Dr. on the 6th and sure enough the night before we went in his fever broke. He has a borderline ear infection, meaning he doesn't have one yet but is working on it if his congestion doesn't clear up. So Mucinex is our friend right now. Everyday he's getting better and better, he's not giving any indication that there is an impending ear infection (ear pulling, crying, acting like he can't hear me) so I think we're in the clear and get to avoid antibiotics. I've yet to give him any and I certainly don't want to start now if I don't have to.
Thank you to everybody who was concerned and wishing him well. All that positive energy flowing his way really helped. Lots of love to all of you.
Adam: Where does food go? Christopher: In my mouth. Adam: Then where does it go? Christopher: In my tummy. Adam: Where does it go after that? Christopher: In my shorts.
Me: What do brothers do? Christopher: They walk. Me: What else do brothers do? Christopher: They talk. Me: Do they do anything else? Christopher: Play with toys. Me: What do sisters do? Christopher: They in kitchen.
I love the things he comes up with sometimes, Christopher really makes us laugh. His answers are all unprompted and completely derived on his own, most of the time amazing us with what he comes up with. We can see his little mind working away as he comes up with some of the greatest things. Can't wait to share a little more wisdom from Christopher with you.