December 21, 2007

9 Months

Christopher had his 9 month well check on Monday. He's healthy as can be. The Dr. said it won't be long now until he has teeth. Only had one shot this time, he didn't cry but he did get a tear in his eye and look up at me with the saddest face he could muster. I'm going to be in trouble later when he's intentionally pulling that look.

At his well check we got his currents stats too!!
Height: 26.5" up from 26" at his 6 month well check, 24.8" at his 4 month well check and 23.3" at his 2 month. This puts him in the 3rd percentile.
Weight: 18.15lbs up from 17lbs 6oz at his 6 month, 15lbs 6oz at his 4 month well check and 11lbs 1oz at his 2 month. This puts him in the 10th percentile.

December 4, 2007

He's Crawling!!

It's amazing how fast our little ones grow. Just last week he was barely pulling himself along the floor (in undead zombie fashion,) and this week he's crawling. He's able to put some speed on too, it's crazy that one minute he'll be right in front of me and if I stop paying attention he'll be clear across the room because he found another power cord to tug on. That's right, Christopher and cords have a magnetic attraction to each other. If they are in the same vicinity you can be sure they'll meet up.

The last couple of nights have been late ones. The little guy has been fighting some kind of sick for a couple of weeks now and the last two days seem to have taken their toll. He's napping a lot which means he's not going down for the night as early. However he's still waking up at his normal time, which leads to a tired couple of parents. Luckily Adam is home this week (so far,) so I've had help. I probably would have been calling for the grandparents brigade for reinforcements if he hadn't been here.